Acknowledgements and Celebrations of Life

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Monday, August 30, 2021

St. Eugene's Indian Residential School: (1890-1970) - Cranbrook, B.C. - ...


Perhaps we will see a New Dawn.  Perhaps.  ~ Image by Stan G. Webb - In Retirement© ™ ®, An Intelligent Grandfather's Guides© ™ ®

St. Eugene's Indian Residential School: (1890-1970) - Cranbrook, B.C. - 182 Graves - June 2021 [29:06 minutes]

Jaguar Bird

This is a video for ""St. Eugene's Indian Residential School", which was part of "The Kootenay Residential School" in Cranbrook, British Columbia.. and operated between 1890-1970. 182 Unmarked Graves were located in 2020.. and the information was released June 2021. There are also videos in this channel for many North & South American Tribes & First Nations, Residential Schools, Chiefs, Elders, Historical Events, Indigenous Concerns, Quotes, Environmental Youth Activists.. and much more. ------------------------------------------------ "The Kootenay Indian Residential School", composed of the "St. Eugene's" and "St. Mary's" Mission Schools, was a part of the Canadian Indian residential school system and operated in Cranbrook, British Columbia, between 1890 and 1970. The school, was run by the "Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate" of the "Roman Catholic Church"and first opened, in 1890. It was replaced by an industrial school in 1912, that continued to operate, until it was closed, in 1970. Between 1912 and 1970, "over 5,000 children from across British Columbia and Alberta attended the school. On June 30th 2021, the ʔaq̓am First Nation announced, that "182 unmarked graves had been discovered", using the assistance of ground-penetrating radar. This was the third Catholic-and government run residential school gravesite announced, (so far) within a one month time frame, during 2021. ------------------------------------------------- I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video and music expressed in this video...and employ my borrowing of them with much respect and thanks. Credits are also given at the end of the videos, as well as below. ****No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me, nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of these videos.**** They are meant for all, to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform and share. No theft and/or disrespect is intended. I post all of these videos, with love and respect. ------------------------------- Many Thanks & Much Respect To: All The Kootenay Residential School Survivors..; (..and to all of their relations ..and those in Spirit)..; The People Of The Ktunaxa (Lower Kootenay) Nation..; Elders: Herman Alpine & Robert "Stubby" Williams..;,,; APTN..; En.Wikipedia.Org..; CBC..;; Various Instrumentalists (*see )..; JOHN LENNON & THE PLASTIC ONO BAND..; NORTHERN CREE & CHIEF CLIFF..; ULALI..; IRA PROVOST.. and to all the other brothers and sisters who have contributed to this video with photos and/or, in any other way. Chi Miigwetch!.. Many Blessings & Thanks..! *Set video to 720p, for best viewing.

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Diane Warren

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Atis Freivalds

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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Ogookiing: Marten Falls & Ogoki First Nation - Anishinaabe - Cochrane & ...

This is a video for "Ogookiing: Marten Falls & Ogoki Post First Nations", who are joined Anishinaabe-Ojibway communities, located in the Cochrane & Kenora Districts, Northern Ontario, Canada. There are also videos in this channel for many more North, South & Central American Tribes & First Nations, Residential Schools, Chiefs, Elders, Historical Events, Indigenous Concerns, Quotes, Environmental Youth Activists.. and much more. ------------------------------------------------ "Marten Falls First Nation" is an Anishinaabe - Ojibway First Nation reserve, located in Northern Ontario. The First Nation occupies communities on both sides of the Albany River in Northern Ontario, including Ogoki Post (Ojibwe: "Ogookiing"), in the Cochrane District and Marten Falls, in the Kenora District. "Ogoki" (a.k.a.: "Ogoki Post") is a First Nation community managed by the Marten Falls Band. Marten Falls First Nation is the home community of Chanie Wenjack, a young boy who died, in 1966, while trying to return home, after escaping from an Indian residential school. His story was dramatized in "Secret Path", a multimedia music, film and graphic novel project, by Gord Downie and Jeff Lemire. The "James Bay Treaty" created detrimental lasting effects on all of the Indigenous communities throughout the territory. Although, the Crown and Indigenous Peoples forged a treaty relationship, starting in 1905, "colonial policies of assimilation conflicted with the spirit of friendship that the treaty "promised". In the decades since the James Bay Treaty signing, Ontario restrictions placed on hunting, trapping and fishing by Indigenous communities created conflict and diminished Indigenous Peoples’ health and "quality of life". Indigenous communities maintain, that the treaty commissioners made "oral promises" that "guaranteed" First Nations’ right to hunt, trap and fish, as they always had. Therefore, "any and all government policies that restrict their traditional activities (both on and outside the reserve), conflict with their "inherent treaty rights". In contrast, Ontario’s position echoes the words on the written document, which stipulated that, these rights were “subject to such regulations'. Elder John Fletcher, who was present at the James Bay Treaty signing said that, a leader asked one of the Treaty Commissioners: "Will our hunting be affected by the Treaty?". The Commissioner answered: ‘This hunting right will never be taken away. Do you see this river, that never stops flowing? This Treaty will be an example to it." The explanations of the commissioners were not entirely truthful and were given in a way, that the Indians could believe, their rights would be protected by the treaty. ------------------------------------------------- I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video and music expressed in this video...and employ my borrowing of them with much respect and thanks. Credits are also given at the end of the videos, as well as below. ****No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me, nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of these videos.**** They are meant for all, to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform and share. No theft and/or disrespect is intended. I post all of these videos, with love and respect. **** I am also "not" part and/or, a member of "any other social media sites: (i.e.: FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, etc.. etc.. etc..) and since I have seen my own videos from You-Tube posted on other sites, by people who are representing themselves with the name "Jaguar Bird".. and the fact, that I am often under a siege of disrespectful hackers.. (and the sad fact, that some people enjoy "pretending" to be others than themselves, on the Internet).. I wanted to warn anyone contacting a person who is going by the name "Jaguar Bird", that "it is NOT me".. and if this person(s) is claiming to be me, I ask that you please contact the Administration personelle of that site.. and make them aware, that a fraud is being committed. Thank you, Miigwetch! .. for helping to stop someone else from being deceived and/or, wronged. **** ------------------------------- Many Thanks & Much Respect To: All The People Of Marten Falls & Ogaki First Nation..; Chief Bruce Achneepineskum & Council..; The Wenjack Famly..;; En.Wikipedia.Org..;;;; Nancy Coaster..; De Peters..; ATHAMIS BARBARA BARBOSA..; THA TRIBE..; GORD DOWNIE & THE SECRET PATH..; RED SPIRIT EAGLEZ..; BEAR CREEK..; KIIBIIMII'AYAT..; ALO WHITE..; A TRIBE CALLED RED..; JANA MASHONEE..; DENNIS HAWK.. and to all the other brothers and sisters who have contributed to this video with photos and/or, in any other way. Chi Miigwetch!.. Many Blessings & Thanks..! *Set video to 720p, for best viewing.